Arend Jansen
Arend Jansen plays the CoolDrive Channel 1: “CoolDrive Jam”
J.P. Beijersbergen
Jay-P Beijersbergen plays his composition:”The angels are crying” in the style of Jeff Beck with the Buddy and the CoolDrive.
Bastiaan Mulder
Bastiaan Mulder (https://www.bastiaanmulder.nl), Slide, DI met CoolDrive CH1 via Kemper profiler interface (clean settings en beetje delay).
Bastiaan Mulder (https://www.bastiaanmulder.nl), DI met CoolDrive CH1 via Kemper profiler interface (clean settings en beetje delay).
Bastiaan Mulder (https://www.bastiaanmulder.nl) plays the CoolDrive (Channel 2) and the Buddy amp my place “the attic”
Roy Beukers
Roy Beukers (http://roybeukers.com/) first contact with the CoolDrive part 1 and part 2 at my place “the attic”
Roy Beukers (http://roybeukers.com/) first contact with the CoolDrive part 1 and part 2 at my place “the attic”
Roy Beukers (http://www.roybeukers.com) demo of the CoolDrive (no effects) with a Nijssen (http://www.nijssenguitars.nl) Custom build Classic S guitar and the Buddy tube amp
JP Beijersbergen
JP plays the CoolDrive Cannel 1 and Buddy amp
JP plays CoolDrive Channel 2 and Buddy amp
Paul Crezee
Paul Crezee plays the CoolDrive, Channel 1 and the Buddy Amp.
Theo Nijssen
Theo Nijssen plays EvH Judgement day solo on his Nijssen built EvH guitar and the CoolDrive and Buddy Amplifier
Robbert Smit
Robbert Smit plays the Nijssen Riptide Raw guitar with the CoolDrive on low gain Channel 1 and the Buddy amplifier